dimarts, 23 d’agost del 2011

Escudella. Rita's style, adapted to Toronto supermarkets + Selim's taste

Aquest hivern en Selim es queda sol, i per això m'ha demanat que li expliqui amb pèls i senyals com fer l'escudella que ens ha estat escalfant el cos durant aquest any. Per això aquesta recepta és en anglès i amb detalls caseros totals.

Ok, Selim´here we go. You will need:
- 1 Chiken bone
- 1 chicken breast
- 1/2 pork foot
- 1 or 2 beef sugar bones
- 1 pork neckbone
(all the meats are on the freezer and you have enough for several soups, especially from pork and beef bones. Each animalt is in a different bag but pork and chicken have the two kinds of meat you are gonna use in the same bag)

- 3 carrots
- 1 big or 2 small turnips
- 1 big or 2 small parsnip
- 4 branches of celery
- 1 big or 2 small leek
- 2 potatoes
- 1/4 of cabbage

If you want to make meat balls (pilota):
- 1 egg
- 250gr. of ground beef
- bread crumbs
- flour
- "picada d'all i julivert". Grounded garlic and parsley (the frozen mixture)

How to cook the soup:

Fill the big pot up to 5 liters of water (it has a mark on its wall). Add all the meats (except the meat ball) to the water, start the cooking with high temperature.

Peel the carrots, turnip and parsip. Cut them in two if they are really big. Clean them and add to the soup.

Take the 4 pieces of celery, clean them and cut both ends. Break them in two and add to the soup.

Cut the roots of the leek and most of the green part, clean them (sometimes they have sand hidden inside the green end) and add to the soup. Cover the pot, and leave it cover until the end of the soup (except when you have to add something inside, of course :) ).

It should start boiling in about 15 or 20 minutes. Pay attention, just before it boils foam will appear, take it out as much as you can with a spoon. Once the soup will boil the remaining foam will disappear, that's fine, but if you forget to take it out all of it will disappear getting mixed with the soup, nothing will happen but the soup is cleaner and nicer if you take it out.

Once it is boiling add salt. About 30 gr. but is always easier to add some later than to take it out, so not too much. Turn the heat to a little bit more than medium, but make sure it keeps boiling. Leave it for 1 1/2 hours.

In the meantime you can check if too much water is gone, if you would like to add some more to have more soup do it with boiling water. But it will taste better if you don't do it, of course (I do it almost every time I cook soup, because I want to get as much as possible).

Peel the potatoes, wash them and add them to the soup. Cut the cabbage and add it to the soup. If you decide to make a big pilota (meat ball) add it now as well.

Check the salt, add more if necessary. Leave it for another half an hour and turn off the heat. Not more than that or the potatoes and cabbage will disappear into the soup.

How to make the pilota:

Beat the egg in one of the small metal bowls. Add the mead, salt, pepper, chopped garlic and parsley. Mix everything. Add bread crumbs, in small amounts and mix everything until it has a consistency and you can make a ball with it. Decide if you wanna make a big one or small ones and act according to it. Batter the ball or balls with white flour.

If you make a big one add it to the soup. If you make small ones freeze them and get some every time you are making soup. In that case add them to the liquid when this is unfrozen but still cold and let them unfreeze and cook with the soup.


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